January 1, 2010

Another Year

Remember that you must not see as the world sees. I hold the year in My Hands- in trust for you. But I shall guide you one day at at time. Leave the rest with Me. You must not anticipate the gift by fears or thoughts of the days ahead. And for each day I shall supply the wisdom and the strength. - Two Listeners

One of my old Sunday School teachers posted this quote today and it felt like a good start for this year. I love the start of a new year and all of the excitement it brings. I am still hashing out exactly what my Resolutions are for this year and what goals I am setting. But I thought this was a good reminder for me especially.

I spend so much time trying to figure out what the next step is and what tomorrow will hold and all my thinking (ahem worrying) gets me nowhere. I have slowly been learning to lay it all at the feet of my Father and He has been teaching me how to rest in His promises. This year has been a long lesson in living in today. I spent the last 4 months pursuing a change and getting excited for the future only to be here at the beginning of a new year with all the doors closed and still in the same place. But despite the ups and downs I am perfectly peaceful to be right where I am. And more than peaceful, I am excited to be right where I am and learning so much about chasing after God regardless of my circumstances.

And more than anything that's what I want for this year. To draw closer to Him and live a life surrendered to His plan and His will, even if I can't see exactly what that looks like. And to chase harder after Him in every moment.

Here's to a great year!

1 comment:

erin m said...

There's such freedom and joy in living a life of surrender! God is so good, and I know He has great things planned for you...even if they don't look like you thought they would. Love you sweet friend!